Grieg Kapital are happy to announce that we have led the latest funding round in Ignite. Enabling the company to execute on their growth story and to lead the transformation of procurement.
Ignite lets its customers optimize their procurement and enable smooth handling of regulatory measures such as corporate transparency and climate accounting. The company have now developed a software suite handling all aspects of procurement, also considering the vast number of regulations hitting industries worldwide supporting the modern economy.
“We see that procurement is changing. It’s no longer sufficient to focus solely on costs,” says CEO and co-founder Sigbjørn Nome of Ignite, explaining the rationale behind the changes. The tool still provides insights into monetary aspects, but now also considers how purchases impact the climate, human rights, decent working conditions, and various other societal factors.
Ignite’s value proposition aligns well with what Grieg Kapital is looking for in software investments. We assert that the new product package, spanning across sectors and borders, provides a strong foundation to continue what we see as a good growth trajectory in recent years.
“The optimization of procurement and agile handling of regulations will be crucial for players in all industries going forward. We are truly looking forward to being part of the ongoing development and contributing to realizing the company’s potential. With a solid ownership base, ambitious founders, and a strong team poised for growth, our assessment is that the company has every opportunity to become a global leader in its fields,” says Investment Manager Lars Jørgen Loktu at Grieg Kapital.
Sigbjørn Nome, CEO Ignite:
Lars Jørgen Loktu, Investment Manager Grieg Kapital: